Sunday, May 22, 2011

A version of Cathedral Window

I've completed a baby quilt called a version of Cathedral Windows. I took two classes in April , I was really excited as I really like the original pattern. I've made a pillow top with the original version and one day would like to make a full quilt. This version would be to hard to make anything much larger then a baby quilt, wall hanging or small throw. I was really disappointed and had lots of frustration getting this together. At first I started quilting with losing thoughts of how I needed to pin baste the quilt better, What was I thinking??? I had only pin basted in the posts! What a shock I had when I turned it over to take a look at the back, I had gone only in one direction at that point. So.. I sure didn't want to add this to my stack of UFO's and waste the cost of the fabric, And it's a gift for a new baby that's on it's way. I picked all that I had stitched OUT! PATIENTS ... PATIENTS.... I pin basted enough to hold it together. But working threw five layers of fabric at times without it shifting, (is it just me or can you see where this would be hard to do) I can tell you it isn't an easy job, at least not for me, not when you have to stitch in a half circle directions! I kept getting disappointed and kept encouraging myself to continue! I'm at the easy part now of adding the binding, I wanted to cut the binding on the bias, but decided I just wanted to get this little quilt completed so, I chose the easiest way without any further frustration. I'm hoping when I wash it, that will hide a multitude of things I wasn't happy with .

Each window is folded back to show off the fabric behind the folded half square triangles and then stitched very close to the edge. Frustration is put aside... so happy I can take a nice deep breath of relief that it's done ... I keep thinking this is NOT A QUILT TO BRAGE ABOUT! It's a love quilt to be loved and to cuttle with!

I hope everybody is having a nice relaxing day and all your quilting problems are little ones or easy corrected!

Have a Happy DAy

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Andrina's Quilt another UFO on it way

UFO one down and many more to go!

I'm so happy I finally got this quilt completed for my grand daughter Andrina, even thou she was fourteen when I had finished the top and now almost 21, she still loves basketball and is excited to see her quilt. I'd asked if she would like something with a different fabric, she said no. She hasn't seen this so has no idea of what to expect. I've pulled one more quilt from my UFO to complete for her brother. Now anybody that's been in quilting for a while will know by the name of this pattern when it was started too. Stack and Whack Quilt, I hope I can remember how this goes together. I've got several of the blocks completed so now I'm trying to figure out where I left off and how to cut some more to make it larger for a man not a child, the print will be okay it's not really childish, But on the Halloween theme. I hope I can get this together, I've always really liked this print.

Time to start reading those instruction again..

Happy Stitching to everybody... Crissie

Friday, May 13, 2011

May 13, 2011

Spring if finally here.... Don't you just love the spring flowers?

I posted to my BLOG yesterday and this morning for some unknown reason it would not work and was no longer on line? So I'm trying once again.
I love spring flowers ! I just wish all the beautiful flowers could last a little longer for our enjoyment!

These are orchids my son Eric grew this year, he has many of his grandmother plants, and I was really surprised to see how large the blooms were. I invited him to take the rest of her plants home, I think he takes better care of them then I do. I start out in the spring, love working in the garden but then fall short of following through during the hotter weather. I think too he's got a better protected location then I've got. My mother use to bring all her plants into her kitchen when she knew it was going to be colder then normal. That's what's great about having a large kitchen!

This is one of my UFO's I completed last year, it was fun collecting all the small flower prints and I had so much fun quilting all kinds of flowers, leafs and swirls.
Work in Progress " Quilts in Bloom" Block of the month

Well I guess it's no longer a Block of the month, it was started October 2009, this is Miss Lily block number 6 ... half way there is a good feeling!
I'm working on block seven now, this is Miss Poppy. Now that this in on my BLOG I see the bottom part needs a little adjustment. Looks lopsided to me? Good thing some are just glue basted down. Back to the light box!

Yes! Another UFO, this was started in 2004 maybe 2003? It's a quilt for my grand daughter who has always loved balls when she was a baby the only thing she wanted was a ball. She's almost 21 and still loves basket ball. I felt she might have grown past wanting anything to do with ball but is excited she is getting her quilt.

It's a little difficult to see the patter but I completed it yesterday and am ready to add the binding then I'll take a full picture so the pattern shows up better.

The girls have a new cat house with feathers, I'm not sure how long those feathers will last? Right now they are on dove watch...With kitty vision of how fun it would be to chase those doves... good thing there's a patio door between them! Out with the old cat tree in with the new cat house...
Miss Paws
Here is Austin and his friend Tina, Gosh it's almost time for Grandma's youngest grandson to go to kindergarten this coming September. Tina is always by his side and is such a good little girl.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

May 12,2011

Spring is here can you tell.... My wisteria tree is very old around 35 years old and this year it was so full of blossoms so many and the blooms were very long. It really hasn't bloomed this much in years, I'm wondering if they really prefer colder weather because we had a very cold winter this year, I think colder then normal. I'm just sad that the spring flowers don't last longer but it's such a joy to see all the beautiful flowers..

I can't believe it's been so long sense I posted anything, time just seems to fly by. Lets see if I can give a good reason why I haven't posted anything in a while? One terrible thing happened and I have been nursing a sick cat, Ms. Paws~ She has a bad habit, she likes to chew on thread I have to make sure I cover the sewing machine threads if I'm using the thread tree, my new machine has a cover that goes over the top where the thread is so that's great, I've followed thread down the hall and into the family room a few times... not good! But I was working on some beading and forgot to cover up my work before going to bed, so I could continue the next day. When I got ready to work on my beading the next day I couldn't find my work, found it on the floor with the eye of the needle portion still on the fish line but the rest of the 2" needle was no where to be found. I ran a magnet over the carpet many times and had no luck! The next day my friend Ms Paws started acting as if she didn't feel good and only ate a little food. So I took her to the vets and their x-ray showed a needle in her throat. They sent us to a specialist and their x-rays showed two pieced of the needle. After a lot of thought the veterinarian decided to operated on her through her back and a mussel as he said a less invasive way to remove the needle. She is doing really good now and most of her fur has grown back, she has another two weeks of being on antibiotics, She's really good at taking her pills, she is the most active of our other cats, she is such a talker too and at times if she can't find me it really sounds as if she is calling Mama Mama!.
New cat house out with the old cat tree, but the girls are on bird watch, watching the doves on the patio...

Miss Paws~

I've been working on Quilts in Bloom blocks and am now on block seven. This block is Miss Lily completed in April~
Miss Poppy is in progress......

I keep thinking six is half way done .... but then I stop and think about all those little flowers that have to be done on the border! But who's in a hurry ... not this quilter! And like they say Rome wasn't build in a day. But it would be wise if I only would work on one project at a time and if I would only stop jumping from on project to another! !
This is a quilt I completed in the late '90's for my grand daughter she still loves basket ball so this grandmother is trying to complete her quilt, I've been quilting it on my Horizon machine and I'm just doing a large meandering with loops and circles using polyester thread, I didn't put a border on it...that's a first for me, I'm just going to add a black binding.

A Boys Best Friend:
Austin is almost five years old and ready for Kindergarden... now there's how time fly's, I can't believe he's ready for school already. His friend Tina is always by his side and such a good little girl.

Just had to share orchids my son grew this year, he has many plants that were his grandmothers hobby, she had such a great way of making anything she touched in the garden bloom it's heart out and looks like her grand son has the same touch!

I couldn't believe how large the blooms were!
Needless to say I gave him the rest of the plants to see if he can have better luck then I have had? I'll bet he will.

Here is a quilt I forgot to post, I completed this last summer and felt I would never get it finished. I had started it in the early '90's and loved collection all the different small printed flower fabric. I really enjoyed quilting it too, I put all kinds of different flowers. One of my quilting friends suggested I applique the border before I attach it to the quilt, that was such a great tip and I'm so happy she spoke up and shared that with me. I know I would have not even thought of that! At this point I'm sewing on the binding.

Happy Quilting,