Sunday, December 13, 2009

December 13

Austin and his pal Teddy... Now he has two (button) eyes. It's had to barrow Teddy but I convinced Austin to let me put another eye on his pal! He didn't leave my side we looked for that perfect eye in the button box! He kept telling Teddy he would be okay and it wouldn't hurt at all and he needed to be brave ... It's going to be okay Teddy don't worry! Now~ ~ ~ Here is something .. I can't believe, that I found Teddy right by my computer table this morning, this has to be the first time ever that Teddy didn't sleep with Austin or Austin didn't sleep with Teddy! Is this a sign of changing times and entering that grown-up world? First the sippie cup and graduating to the big boy cup... I sure hope there weren't many tears when he discovered he forgot Teddy? How sad to see my three and a half year old grandson growing up so fast and what sweet memories we have made together. <3 <3 <3

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