Friday, December 9, 2011

Blog is acting up? I'm not sure if this is going to work? Or Google has change things? I've been working on this and I'm now picking out the backing. I'm pretty sure I've decided on the backing but was short and luck have it, I found some extra exactly like I'd picked out. This pattern is from Toppers by Lynda Milligan & Nancy Smith. I love the idea that it can go over pillows or the back of a sofa. To change the decor a little. Now, if I can squeeze quilting this between making gifts that will be nice! If not I'm sure I'll have it done by next Christmas...

Frost is on the ground and roof tops and it's 39 degrees but it's climbing, it was 34 when my husband got up at 5:00am.
I'll bet everybody is busy......

Back to my sewing room, Crissie

1 comment:

Karen said...

I did a piece with similar snowmen several years ago. It was called a bed topper. I gave it to a friend who displays on on the sofa back during the holidays. Cute piece.