I would like to take this time to wish everybody Happy Holidays and a Very Merry Christmas! Our Snow people are out on the table, the most snow we'll get around our house but they get us in the swing of Christmas Sprites! Now I'm trying to beat the clock on making gifts!

I've been making Table Runners and have an assembly line in the works. I love this fabric and think it works with Thanksgiving or Christmas. I'm just planning on straight stitch quilting.
Before the holiday's I made a bag for my light box.

I've completed two UFOs this year and will post those when I get them quilted. I'm still planing on working on UFO's in 2012. It's so hard to think how fast this year has passed! I'm not very good at keeping New Years Resolutions..... I make them and then fall short of following through! One of my friends told me she keeps a journal and when she starts a quilt she also put the date she plans on completing it. Good idea! But I don't know how good that would be for me? I skip from one thing to another, to many loves to keep up with. I should do as she does and never start another project until I've completed one. But some times I just want to do aplique work and other time I like piece work and then a friend will ask if I will quilt something and my work gets set aside. And then there's the ladies in our group who will bring a sweet pattern in and we just have to do it together... like the purse pattern. But those grommets discouraged me when JoEllen had troubles getting her's to work for her. I ended up giving her my package so she could complete her purse. Funny story, when we went to PIQF we found the grommets and felt they were to expensive, as we walked around we found another booth and they were mush more reasonable. We search through all they had until we found clear ones so they would go with our fabric. Come to find out they were yellow not clear~ Disappointed! We found another brand at JoAnn's but they didn't work as well at least not how the YouTube showed they should. So I'm going to complete what I started into a different style!
Have you ever checked out QuiltingHeaven.com? It has just started a few months ago from what I understand and is drawing lots of quilters.
Quiltingly Yours, Crissie