Monday, September 21, 2009

This is the week for Camp Concord Quilt Retreat

Some of the girls are leaving tomorrow to play around in Reno and shop at some of the quilt shops on the way up before the retreat starts at Camp Concord by Lake Tahoe on the California side, it will start on Wednesday this time, so others will leave Wednesday morning. Lisa is already there and has been sense yesterday, she is staying in a motel and loves to ride her bicycle around and will more then likely find a quilt shop or two if she hasn't already. She's got her room all set up she tells me and sent me a nice email just this morning telling me she has stacks of fabric and her machine. So she is ready to go! This is a quilt she made a few years ago, I love it and would like to try her method one day. She made it is sections and quilted it before sewing it together. Clever Girl that Lisa is .... Besides being one of the sweetest ladies I've ever had the privilege of meeting! Have you ever gone from Martinez to Lake Tahoe and have it take you way over eight hours to get there? For those of you who don't know it's only about a three hour drive. You see this is because they have a long list of most of the shops between here and there and of course you have to stop and have lunch. And shop some more!

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